é... tem sido dificil... mas tenho um monte de material acumulado que quero guardar aqui. [Mindnote] - fotos coletadas no trânsito e comentários sobre os acontecimentos ridículos das últimas semanas.
Marcadores: Nota
é... tem sido dificil... mas tenho um monte de material acumulado que quero guardar aqui. [Mindnote] - fotos coletadas no trânsito e comentários sobre os acontecimentos ridículos das últimas semanas.
Marcadores: Nota
Do site WikiHOW... very funny indeed!
While most people associate death metal music with a bunch of guys grunting and slapping detuned guitars randomly, there's a multitude of reasons why this genre maintains a strong following and earns the fierce loyalty of many listeners worldwide. If you're curious about death metal, here's you're chance to learn, appreciate, listen, and enjoy.
5. Understand the context and subject matter. Death metal lyrics and themes, while not to be taken literally, celebrate the outer extremes of human experience, such as the motivations of serial killers, the activities of the walking dead, death itself, and isolation. Death metal is less about generic anger and more about empathy for people who suffer from despair, isolation, and who possess an acute sense of unfair ostracism from society. Also, many bands will cover other topics not usually associated with death, such as mythology, religion, society, and even love.
Marcadores: wiki howto death metal fun stuff
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